frequently asked questions


How often should I have my carpets cleaned?

Residential areas should be cleaned every six months. Commercial areas such as offices should be cleaned every 1-3 months depending on the amount of traffic the office building receives daily. 

Additionally, many new carpet manufacturers require an IICRC-certified carpet cleaning within the first 18 months of installation to ensure your warranty.

What kind of stains can you remove?

We do remove pet, food, liquid, and dirt stains removal from carpet and upholstery on a daily basis, and we can prevent future stains by applying for Stain guard protection. 

Nearly all stains can be removed with our equipment and technician experts’ knowledge.

How long do I wait to go on our carpet when you're done?

It will take anywhere from 2-24 hours for the carpet to completely dry, depending on how deep the carpet was cleaned, the humidity levels, and the weather. 

Try to keep pets, children, and heavy traffic off the carpet during the drying time. If a technician has left Styrofoam blocks under furniture, please leave them for 24 hours to protect the carpet.

How long does it take to clean my carpets?

Our staff takes approximately 20-25 minutes per room. This time can vary depending on the size of the room, how soiled the carpet is, and if any spot removal treatments are needed. 

A basic residential cleaning takes approximately two hours.

Will my carpets shrink when I've had them cleaned?

If cleaned professionally using the correct shampoo ratio/technique, there will be no shrinkage to carpet edges; carpets should be dried naturally in 2 to 4 hours.

Can I walk on it soon after it's been cleaned?

Yes, you can; however, we recommend that you allow a reasonable amount of time for the carpet to dry before putting it back into full use, as this will limit the amount of dirt that may be attracted to the damp carpet from your shoes or feet. 

On request, we can provide you with shoe/foot covers to minimize the risk.

Do I have to move all my furniture before your team shows up?

No. Our technician can move small furniture and chairs to clean underneath. 

However, if there are large pieces (such as pianos, televisions, or large sofas), our technicians typically need assistance if you would like to clean under these items. 

We do not move any breakable items such as crystals or family heirlooms.

What is the best way to maintain the carpet or upholstery after it is cleaned to help it stay cleaner?

Regular vacuuming is recommended at least once a week or more often in heavy traffic areas.

A foot mat should be placed at every entry point onto carpeted areas. Our technicians will assist you with the best placement points and vacuuming techniques at no extra cost.

Can you get the pet odor out of my rug?

Yes, you can request our guaranteed pet odor control treatment

Is my rug insured while in your care?

Yes, we ensure all rugs for loss, theft, and accidental damage.

My rug is damaged. Can you fix it?

Yes, we handle all kinds of repairs for all kinds of rugs, including hand-knotted rugs

I'm not sure if my rug is even worth cleaning. If it is not worth cleaning, will you tell me the truth?

Our goal is to have a very happy client that will use us again and refer us to their family and friends.

We always tell you exactly what to expect for results before we start, and then we guarantee the expectations. So if your rug is not going to clean up, we will tell you the truth before we start.

Whether or not a rug is worth cleaning is totally dependent on how valuable the rug is to you. And value is totally subjective – meaning, a rug may not be worth much in terms of money, but it can still be priceless to you because of the meaning and memories it holds for you.

Money can always be replaced but a rug filled with special memories for you cannot. So we always treat your rugs as if they are the most precious thing in the world.

Can one loose thread ruin my entire carpet?

Yes. Your carpet can unravel like an old sweater. Simply cut off any loose threads before your vacuum gets a hold of them and call me immediately. Save the threads for future seam repair. Even seriously unraveled seams can be saved.

Will patching make my carpet look like new?

Maybe yes, maybe no. I can use carpet from under a bed, in a closet, or from scrap to give your carpet a new look. Rarely does a carpet patch look invisible, but it’s usually a great solution.

My carpet looks great except for a worn-out hallway. Is there any way to fix this?

Since the hall carpet needs to match the other rooms, you can’t change it without replacing all of the carpets. In this case, we usually suggest moving carpet from one of the bedrooms to replace the worn carpet, then putting new carpet in the bedroom since it’s less expensive than replacing all the carpet. This option works well if you’re trying to save some money.

What can be done about my wrinkled carpet?

If you have ripples, bulges, loose areas, waves, wrinkles, or big bunched-up areas? You may need to see a doctor or go to the gym. If it’s your carpet with those problems, call Premium Carpet Services, we can fix it! Do you want to learn more about carpet stretching?

Do we need to move all of our furniture in order to stretch the carpet?

Rarely do we need to move all of your furniture to stretch your carpet. 

Normally we can use one of our specialty tools like this mini-stretcher to pull out the ripples from just one side of the room. Not all my carpet repair technicians have this special tool.

We stub our toes on the new floor because the new floor is up higher than the carpet. What can you do about that?

We use shims to raise the carpet up to the level of the floor. No more stubbed toes! This is covered in the section called Carpet to Tile Transition.